Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is not necessarily related to heat or exercise, and can effect sufferers at any time. The heavy sweating can cause social anxiety and embarrassment, but fortunately treatment is available. 

At Cheung Aesthetics and Wellness, we offer number of treatment options, including topical antiperspirants, oral medications, iontophoresis, lasers, miraDry and BOTOX® injections. We will determine the best solution for you during a consultation. 

The Brella 3-Minute SweatControl Patch is safe, quick, comfortable, non-invasive, needle-free, aluminum-free and affordable! Results last three to four months and even longer in some cases. After just one treatment, the SweatControl Patch targets your overactive sweat glands to significantly reduce sweat production and give you back control. 

MiraDry Treatment

MiraDry can dramatically reduce underarm sweat and odor. It is a simple, non-surgical treatment approved by the FDA in 2011 for treating sweating with the use of microwave energy in order to eliminate sweat glands. Our office switched to using radio-frequency (RF) energy in 2016 for decreased trauma and less downtime. 

BOTOX® injections

BOTOX® injections can be another effective treatment option for those with hyperhidrosis. BOTOX® is FDA-approved for use treating those who sweat excessively from their armpits. The injections work by blocking the nerves that are responsible for activating sweat glands. It may also be used “off-label” to reduce sweating in other areas, such as the hands, feet and face. 

Treat Your Hyperhidrosis

We may recommend lab work, depending on your medical history and symptoms, prior to determine your treatment plan. Request your consultation today to get started.