BioTE® Bioidentical Hormone Replacement
Hormone imbalances are extremely common in both men and women over the age of 30, but fortunately it is treatable. BioTE offers safe and effective bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, without harmful side effects, through pellet therapy.
How it Works
Using strict federal guidelines, a pharmacist compounds human-identical estrogen and testosterone doses into pellets. The pellets are then placed under the skin, usually in the fatty tissue over the hip, during a simple and painless medical procedure. The treatment is quick and conducted using a local numbing injection, so there are no stitches, just a small bandage.
After pellet placement, your body will grow blood vessels to pull the hormones into your circulation. The pellets release small, physiologic doses of hormones based on your own metabolic need, providing consistent and even dosing for three or up to as many as four or five months. Your blood levels will be checked after a few weeks to ensure your body is getting adequate hormone levels.
There may be some soreness or bruising after the pelleting injection that can last for a few days.
The Benefits
The hormones used are completely natural and derived from plant sources to replicate the human body’s normal hormonal levels. There are no drawbacks or side effects often found with animal-derived or synthetic hormone treatments.
Most patients notice a change within just a few weeks, reporting more energy, less irritability, better sleep and more. There is no increased risk of breast, uterine or prostate cancer with BioTE hormone pellets. Hormone therapy has also been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
Take a simple blood test to determine if you are a candidate.
Symptoms of Hormone Imbalances
- Low energy / fatigue
- Brain fog / lack of mental acuity
- Mood swings, irritability, anxiousness
- Low or loss of libido
- Unexplained weight changes
- Trouble sleeping
- Loss of exercise motivation
- Hair loss
- Joint pain
- Depression
- Breast development in men

“I would like to share some wonderful news I received recently, due to the fact of getting the BioTE pellet and Dr. Cheung changing my thyroid medication. I have been in osteopenia for the past 5 years and have had a nodule on my thyroid for the last 10. I recently had my annual bone density test and ultrasound on my neck, and was absolutely amazed when the results came back. I was told I had no nodule any more and that my bone density test was normal. I was shocked!! It all has to do with the amazing care and direction of Dr. Cheung and her staff. I thank you for everything you have done for me, it has been a couple of exhausting years, but I can not tell you how wonderful I feel and you have put my life back on track! Thank you again!”
– Kathleen H.