
Emsella™ is the only electromagnetic device on the market that targets the entire pelvic floor to improve women’s intimate health and wellness. This unique technology is a completely non-invasive option for those suffering from urinary incontinence.

How It Works

The Emsella™ device has a chair design, which allows women to remain fully clothed for treatment. It uses the power of HIFEM (high intensity focused electromagnetic) technology to stimulate deep pelvic floor muscles and restore neuromuscular control.

Each session creates thousands of supra-maximal pelvic floor muscle contractions, which is comparable to thousands of kegel exercises. There is no pain or downtime with an Emsella™ treatment, so patients can walk out immediately after.

Ready to feel like yourself again?

About Urinary Incontinence

Approximately 35 percent of women around the world are affected by urinary continence. Incontinence can present itself in three forms: stress (leakage during physical activity), urge (strong and sudden), or a combination of both. It is often a result of childbirth or simply the natural aging process, but it can have a large impact on a woman’s quality of life. Many report having to give up exercise, and struggling with confidence and intimacy.

Emsella™ for Men

Men can also benefit from using Emsella™, especially those suffering from prostate issues or fecal incontinence. For those seeking increased sexual satisfaction, from improved orgasmic function to more forceful ejaculation, Emsella™ is a simple, non-invasive solution.