Halo™ Laser

The Sciton Halo™ is a sophisticated, state-of-the-art skin rejuvenation laser that corrects common signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, texture and scars. The treatment works by focusing laser energy into the deep layers of the skin.

Unlike many other fractional laser resurfacing treatments, Sciton’s dual hybrid laser keeps the surface of the skin intact and unharmed. This leads to shorter healing time, and improved patient comfort during and after the procedure. Halo can be used to correct both small and large skin abnormalities.

Why choose Halo?

Everyone’s skin is different. Everyone’s needs are different. The Sciton Halo can be customized based on your aesthetic goals and your lifestyle.

Addresses several areas of concern, including sun damage, visible signs of aging, scarring, fine lines and wrinkles.

Sciton Halo can treat less severe concerns, including uneven skin tone, enlarged pores and pore texture, leaving you with a healthy glow.

Discover what the Sciton Halo™ could do for you